Random tensor network states in holography & Free probability, July 4th 2024, 21st International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Strasbourg, France.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, June 24th-28th 2024, Operator Algebras, Random Matrices, and Quantum Expander Graphs Masterclass, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Multipartite entanglement & Tensor norms - Generic aspects & Detection, June 17th 2024, Quantum theory Group meeting of the UniGe, Geneva, Switzerland.
Spectrum of random quantum channels, June 6th 2024, Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators Conference, Marseille, France. [Video]
Generic aspects of entanglement in high-dimensional quantum systems, March 28th 2024, Math-Quantum working group of the IF and the LIG, Grenoble, France.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, February 26th 2024, Quantum information Workshop, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
Asymptotic geometric analysis & Quantum information theory, October 16th 2023, QFort-QuantAlps Workshop, Grenoble, France.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, July 12th 2023, Quantum cloning Workshop, Toulouse, France.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, June 30th 2023, Monthly Seminar of the GdR MEGA, Paris, France.
Random tensor network states in holography & Free probability, June 12th 2023, 5th Entangle This Workshop, Benasque, Spain.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, May 26th 2023, QuSoft Quantum Computing Seminar, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, May 9th 2023, Quantum Information and Quantum Computing Seminar of the SITP, Stanford, United-States.
Quantum expanders - Random constructions & Applications, March 23rd 2023, Research Term on Quantum Information Theory, Madrid, Spain.
Intrication des états quantiques multi-partites et normes tensorielles, March 14th 2023, Pi Day Mathematics-Physics Interface, Paris, France.
Quantum expanders, March 2nd 2023, Probability Seminar of the ICJ and the UMPA, Lyon, France.
Random tensor network states & Holography, December 7th 2022, Workshop on Quantum Information, Saarbrücken, Germany.
The detectability lemma, November 30th 2022, Random Quantum Circuits Reading Group, Lyon, France.
Propriétés typiques des systèmes quantiques de grande dimension, November 29th 2022, Dialogue Day with INSMI, Grenoble, France.
Random tensor network states & Holography, November 9th 2022, Tensor Journal Club, Lyon, France.
Random tensor network states & Holography, October 24th 2022, Launching Day of the INRIA Team QInfo, Lyon, France.
Generic aspects of entanglement in high-dimensional quantum systems, October 11th-14th 2022, Autumn School of the GdR MEGA, Aussois, France.
Intrication des états quantiques multi-partites et normes tensorielles, September 9th 2022, Start-of-term Day of the IF, Grenoble, France.
Typical correlations and entanglement in random tensor network states, July 22nd 2022, AMS-EMS-SMF Joint International Meeting, Grenoble, France.
Tensor network states as ground states of gapped local Hamiltonians, June 9th 2022, Mathematics-Physics Interface Seminar, Grenoble, France.
Typical aspects of entanglement in multipartite quantum states, May 30th 2022, Quantum Complexity and Measurement Day, Grenoble, France.
Typical correlations and entanglement in random tensor network states, May 20th 2022, Theory Seminar of the LPMMC, Grenoble, France.
Spectrum of random quantum channels, May 9th 2022, Monthly Seminar of the GdR DynQua, Paris, France.
Quantum expander graphs, April 6th 2022, Stochastics Seminar of the NYUAD and the SUAD, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Graphes expanseurs, February 14th 2022, Students' Seminar of the ENS UMPA, Lyon, France.
Graphes expanseurs, February 10th 2022, Students' Seminar of the Magistère IM2AG, Grenoble, France.
Spectrum of random quantum channels, January 27th 2022, 2nd Meeting of the ANR Project NonStops, Cergy, France.
Performance typique des critères d'intrication pour les états quantiques bipartites, January 18th 2022, Quantum Information Working Group of the LaBRI, Bordeaux, France.
Weak approximate unitary designs and applications to quantum encryption, October 13th 2021, QuEng Quantum Computing Seminar, Grenoble, France.
Multipartite entanglement detection via projective tensor norms, October 7th 2021, Workshop on Geometry and Optimization in Quantum Information, Oberwolfach, Germany.
Quantum expander graphs, October 5th 2021, Probability Seminar of the IF, Grenoble, France.
Typical correlations and entanglement in random tensor network states, September 27th 2021, Theory Day of the CPTGA, Annecy, France.
Propriétés spectrales des canaux quantiques aléatoires, September 20th 2021, Mathematical Physics Seminar of the IF, Grenoble, France.
Typical correlations and entanglement in random MPS and PEPS, July 5th 2021, 16th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Riga, Latvia. [Video]
Typical amount of entanglement in multipartite quantum systems, July 1st 2021, 3rd Meeting of the Sakura Project Random Matrices and Tensors for QI and ML, France-Japan.
Typical correlations and entanglement in random MPS and PEPS, June 29th 2021, Mathematical Physics Seminar of the Uniba, Bari, Italy.
Typical spectral gap of random quantum channels, June 23rd 2021, Kick-off Meeting of the ANR Project QTraj, Toulouse, France.
(Dis-)proving the PPT-squared conjecture with random techniques, June 17th 2021, 1st Meeting of the Procope Project Entanglement Preservation in QIT, Germany-France.
Quantum expander graphs, June 11th 2021, Monthly Seminar of the GdR MEGA, Paris, France.
Generic aspects of entanglement in high-dimensional quantum systems, May 28th 2021, Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science EPIT, Marseille, France. [Video]
Spectrum of random quantum channels, April 8th 2021, Kick-off Meeting of the ANR Project ESQuisses, Toulouse, France.
Multipartite entanglement detection via projective tensor norms, March 25th 2021, Mathematical Quantum Physics and Algebra Seminar of the ITP, Innsbruck, Austria.
Graphes expanseurs classiques et quantiques, March 19th 2021, Probability and Statistics Seminar of the I2M, Marseille, France.
Foundations of statistical mechanics from entanglement and typicality of GAP measures, March 3rd 2021, Quantum Information Journal Club of the IMT and LPT, Toulouse, France.
Characterizing expansion, classically and quantumly, November 18th 2020, Quantum Information Journal Club of the IMT and LPT, Toulouse, France.
Weak approximate unitary designs and applications to quantum encryption, November 12th 2020, Quantum Algebraic Security Group Meeting of the uOttawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Parent Hamiltonians of tensor network states, June 25th 2020, Mathematical Physics Seminar of the IMT and LPT, Toulouse, France.
Correlation length in random MPS and PEPS, June 18th 2020, Quantum Information Seminar of the UCLQ, London, United-Kingdom.
Exact self-testing for binary linear system games, April 30th 2020, Connes-Kirchberg-Tsireslon Working Group of the UMPA, LIP and ICJ, Lyon, France.
Typical correlations in many-body quantum systems, December 3rd 2019, Quantum Information Meeting, Lyon, France.
Typical correlations in many-body quantum systems, November 14th 2019, Modelling Working Group of the LPSM, Paris, France.
Typical correlations in many-body quantum systems, September 26th 2019, LPT-IMT Day, Toulouse, France.
Correlation length in random MPS and PEPS, September 10th 2019, 4th Entangle This Workshop, Madrid, Spain.
Correlation length in random MPS and PEPS, August 13th 2019, 14th Conference on Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, Aarhus, Denmark.
Limites statistiques de tenseurs aléatoires bruités, July 11th 2019, Random Tensors Working Group of the IMT, Toulouse, France.
Typical decay of correlations in many-body quantum systems, May 27th 2019, Conference on Geometric and Functional Inequalities in Convexity and Probability, Firenze, Italy.
Random correlation matrices: when are they with high probability classical or quantum?, March 15th 2019, Monthly Seminar of the GdR MEGA, Paris, France.
Some properties of random MPS and PEPS, February 19th 2019, Quantum Information Seminar of the mathQI, Madrid, Spain.
Norme injective de tenseurs aléatoires, January 24th 2019, Random Tensors Working Group of the IMT, Toulouse, France.
Approximer un canal quantique par un ayant aussi peu d’opérateurs de Kraus que possible, December 10th 2018, Functional Analysis Seminar of the IMT, Toulouse, France.
Some properties of random MPS and PEPS, December 5th 2018, Workshop on PEPS and Topological Matter Toulouse, France.
Approximate unitary t-designs by short random quantum circuits using nearest-neighbor and long-range gates, November 27th 2018, Workshop on Random Quantum Circuits of the ANR project StoQ, Toulouse, France.
High-dimensional entanglement in states with positive partial transposition, October 25th 2018, Theoretical Physics Seminar of the LPTM, Cergy-Pontoise, France.
Présentation générale de mes recherches, October 8th 2018, Newcomers' Day of the IMT, Toulouse, France.
Random quantum correlations are generically non-classical, July 24th 2018, 19th International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Montréal, Canada.
Approximating quantum channels by completely positive maps with small Kraus rank, May 8th 2018, Workshop on Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information, Oberwolfach, Germany.
Approximating any quantum channel by a quantum channel with few Kraus operators, December 19th 2017, Quantum Information Seminar of the mathQI, Madrid, Spain.
Weak multiplicativity/additivity in quantum information theory, September 19th 2017, Workshop Quantum Innovators in Computer Science and Mathematics, Waterloo, Canada.
Matrices de corrélations aléatoires: quand sont-elles avec grande probabilité classiques ou quantiques?, April 27th 2017, Analysis Seminar of the IMJ-PRG, Paris, France.
Random quantum correlations are generically non-classical, March 29th 2017, Quantum Information Seminar of the QCI, Bristol, United-Kingdom.
Random quantum correlations are generically non-classical, March 1st 2017, Quantum Information Seminar of the mathQI, Madrid, Spain.
Weak multiplicativity/additivity in quantum information theory, January 10th 2017, Theoretical Physics Seminar of the SITP, Stanford, United-States.
Matrices de corrélations aléatoires: quand sont-elles avec grande probabilité classiques ou quantiques?, December 9th 2016, Analysis Seminar of the LPP, Lille, France.
De Finetti reductions and parallel repetition of multi-player non-local games, November 17th 2016, Quantum Information Seminar of the CQIF, Cambridge, United-Kingdom.
Random quantum correlations are generically non-classical, October 11th 2016, Annual Meeting of the GdR AFHP, Toulouse, France.
Théorème de de Finetti quantique et critère de k-extensibilité pour les états quantiques bi-partites, October 4th 2016, Probability Seminar of the IMT, Toulouse, France.
Should entanglement measures be monogamous or faithful?, September 27th 2016, 11th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Berlin, Germany.
Random quantum correlations are generically non-classical, September 16th 2016, Conference on Quantum Information Theory and Mathematical Physics, Budapest, Hungary.
Soundness gap amplification of QMA(2) protocols by parallel repetition, August 4th 2016, Workshop on QMA(2) and the Complexity of Entanglement, College Park, United States.
Random quantum correlations are generically non-classical, July 15th 2016, Summer School on Stochastic Methods in Quantum Mechanics, Autrans, France.
High dimension and symmetries in quantum information theory, June 9th 2016, PhD Defense, Lyon, France.
Alice et Bob au pays des grandes dimensions, May 30th 2016, Doctoral students' Seminar of the ICJ and the UMPA, Lyon, France.
Matrices de corrélations aléatoires: quand sont-elles avec grande probabilité classiques ou quantiques?, May 3rd 2016, Information and Complexity Seminar of the ICJ and the LIP, Lyon, France.
De Finetti reductions and parallel repetition of multi-player non-local games, April 20th 2016, Quantum Information Seminar of the mathQI, Madrid, Spain.
Haagerup's inequality and additivity violation of the minimum output entropy, March 15th 2016, Workshop on Convexity of the ANR project StoQ, Villard-Reculas, France.
Disproving the additivity of minimum output entropy conjecture via Dvoretzky's theorem, February 24th 2016, Quantum Information Seminar of the GIQ, Barcelona, Spain.
Relaxations of separability in multipartite quantum systems, January 21st 2016, Workshop on Linear Matrix Inequalities, Semidefinite Programming and Quantum Information Theory, Toulouse, France.
Asymptotic strength of necessary conditions for separability, November 5th 2015, International Congress of Mathematics and Applications, Timisoara, Romania.
De Finetti reductions and parallel repetition of multi-player non-local games, October 20th 2015, 3rd Meeting of the ANR Project OSQPI, Paris, France.
When Alice and Bob meet Banach: asymptotic geometric analysis and random matrix theory in quantum information, September 23rd 2015, 9th Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics, Madrid, Spain.
De Finetti reductions and parallel repetition of multi-player non-local games, September 11th 2015, Workshop of the ANR Project StoQ, Toulouse, France.
Random matrix theory in quantum information: some generic aspects of entanglement, March 31st 2015, British Mathematical Colloquium, Cambridge, United-Kingdom.
k-extendibility of high dimensional bipartite quantum states, December 18th 2014, Conference on Operator Spaces, Quantum Probabilities and Applications, Besançon, France.
k-extendibility of high dimensional bipartite quantum states, November 18th 2014, Quantum Information Seminar of the M5, Munich, Germany.
Distinguer des états quantiques multi-partites par des mesures locales, November 7th 2014, 1st Meeting of the ANR Project StoQ, Lyon, France (in French).
Separability criteria for high dimensional bipartite quantum systems, August 28th 2014, 10th Modelling, Randomness and Statistics Days, Toulouse, France.
Distinguishability norms on high-dimensional quantum systems, October 8th 2013, Conference on Noise, Information and Complexity at Quantum Scale, Erice, Italy.
Distinguishing multipartite states by local measurements, June 17th 2013, Intensive Month on Operator Algebra and Quantum Information, Madrid, Spain.
Distinguishing multipartite states by local measurements, October 8th 2012, 1st Meeting of the ANR Project OSQPI, Lyon, France.
Distinguishing multipartite states by local measurements, August 24th 2012, 12th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, Suzhou, China.